Qualified Orders will be shipped F.O.B. from shipping point-of-origin. Qualified orders will be shipped prepaid to one destination served by a common carrier within the continental United States and Canada. Shipments to Canadian locations will qualify for prepaid freight when direct drop shipment from NRP Jones point-of-origin to customer location is requested. NRP Jones will select the shipping point, routing, and carrier for all prepaid shipments. Hose, fittings, and adapter back orders will be shipped prepaid provided that the order allows for a ten-day lead time for the order to be filled. Add-on orders will also qualify for prepaid freight provided that the add-on is available from current inventory and the add-on order is received prior to any shipment of the initiating purchase order.
Single shipment orders qualify for prepaid freight as follows:
Hydraulic and Industrial Hose
Net order value – $4,000 USD
Hydraulic and industrial hose combined for prepaid freight. (Note: Large bore 6-inch and up, is shipped collect.)
Hydraulic Fittings, Hydraulic Hose
Combined for prepaid freight, net order on adapters and industrial hose valued at $4,000 USD or when ordered in conjunction with an industrial hose order with a net value of $4,000 USD.
Hy-Tek Hose & Coupling – Pre-Made Assemblies
Net order value – $4,000 USD
Rotary Hose Products
Net order value – $12,500 USD